Training Courses

Shark Awareness Training Program

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LE 700 1 Hours en

Several shark incidents have been reported lately due to many reasons that led to changing the behavior of the sharks in the Red Sea. The CDWS in cooperation with different concerned authorities has set out to determine solutions for this issue and to ensure that Egypt remains a safe destination for tourists. The CDWS has investigated the matter with experts on shark behavior, and they advised that dumping liquid and solid organic waste in the sea is one of the reasons why shark behavior became aggressive towards divers and swimmers.


  •  Diving guides and instructors aiming to work on safari boats.
  • Safari boats technical managers.

The CDWS issues a card of a different color for those who attend the training, the cardholders are entitled to work onboard safari boats or through diving centers.


Course Register: Registration for this course is done via the training courses e-booking service through the Technical Manager in charge of the operation account on the CDWS portal. 

Note: It takes 2 working days to register the course attendees on the CDWS online system. In case issuing a CDWS Safari card is required, please follow the steps in the following link:


  1. Course registration is to be done online, through the technical managers’ account on the CDWS portal.
  2. The course is done in one day for a duration of 4 hours.
  3. Course Language: Training is in English.
  4. Course fees: 700 EGP - To be paid using the training e-booking service, through the technical managers’ account on the CDWS portal.
  5. Course attendance is required only once, it is not required to re-attend for the card renewal. 

Rules And Reg.:

  1. Applicants must attend at least 15 minutes prior to the training start time.
  2. In case of no show after applicants’ course registration, course will be considered as applicants first course, and in case he/she would like to attend the next scheduled course, new registration and new course fee should be done and paid prior to attending the next course.
  3. In case the applicants do not wish to participate in the training program for any reason, they should report to the training department at least 48 hours before the beginning of training so the fees can be refunded or moved over to another date, if they fail to report within this time frame there will be no refund for the training fees.
  4. Course attendance will be canceled for applicants who are not punctual.
  5. No mobile phones are allowed during the training, please put it on silent mode and hand it to the lecturer.
  6. The lecturer has the right to cancel the trainee's participation in the course in case of not complying with the lecturer’s instructions.
  7. It is not allowed to leave the training venue for any reason.
  8. No Smoking is allowed inside the training room.
  9. No food or drinks are allowed inside the training room during the course except for water.
  10. Course location, for Red Sea Governorate, Serry Beach Resort as shown in the following coordinates:, For South Sinai Governorate, Marine clubHadaba - as shown in the following coordinates